Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Where to begin!!


All words associated with TTC. And there is another one. lol!!

I am so overwhelmed with all the knowledge that goes into having baby.


Now we already have 2 kids. And well...they weren't exactly planned. Mommy got pregnant when she was 18 and had the twins(by herself) when she was 19. Now granted her mom was there but still. No partner/boyfriend/girlfriend. NO ONE.

But this time....we are doing it right. Nowwww where to start?

We are currently "interviewing" some potential donors. And that is all I can say. 2 I am hoping for, some others....not so much.

We have also bought a few things; The Essential Guide to Lesbian Conception, Pregnancy and Birth,  50-Count Wondfo One Step Ovulation (LH) Test Strips/, CVS Digital Basal Thermometer and Spring Valley Prenatal Vitamins.

We also bought our motivation piece. I call it that because its job is to be there through the pain and happiness that we will encounter. It will be our reason why, even after we get that BFN, that we keep PUSHING and PUSHING no matter how long it takes.

Our M.P. is a blue baby blanket. We bought it a Walmart for only $2. It WAS supposed to hang on our wall and remind us of why we are doing it. But instead it has been sleeping with us.

We hope to have a boy(or 2) but we will be happy either way. We already have names picked out(which I will tell later....not now).

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Preparing ourselves Pt. 1

Yes, my first post IS going to be about food. lol!! Who doesn't love food?

On our path to better preparing the both of us for a future baby, eating wholesome foods is one of the first steps. So on 7/14 I decided to make us a delicious dinner.

Oh yeah, delicious dinner made by yours truly! :)

Here is the ingredients for the main part:

1/3c Extra virgin olive oil
3 medium garlic cloves
1/2 bag of shrimp
2c spring mix lettuce
1/4c walnuts
1/3c parmesan cheese
8oz whole wheat fusilli

I also made us parsley/garlic/olive oil topping for our bread(which we bought at the local farmers market, homemade).

We just bought a Ninja on the same day I made this delicious dinner. Now, if you do buy one, don't buy the one from their website. We bought it at Sam's Club, for only $50 AFTER taxes! And it included 2 of the Master Prep Bowls!

So step 1: Grind your own parmesan cheese. I just cut off the tip of the cheese wedge, then broke it into 1in pieces.

About 1/3 cup of finely chopped cheese!

1/4c walnuts
Greens and Walnuts
In another container, add in 1/4c of walnuts.
And 2c of packed salad(we used a bunch of leafy greens, but the recipe I really wanted to make was arugula pesto).

3 garlic cloves
So place the greens and nuts in the food processor and pulse until all is finely chopped(almost 60secs, although with our Ninja it only took about 30secs).

Add in garlic cloves and pulse to combine.
Ta-da! Greens, walnuts and garlic, all chopped finely!!

1/3c olive oil
And NEXT....

Add 1/3c of extra virgin olive oil and pulse that baby some more!!

Add cheese
Add in the 1/3c of cheese and pulse to combine.

Spring Mix Pesto!